
Helping Friends Find Relationships 

By Marcelo in articles

February 4, 2019

One of the most noble and satisfactory action a person can do for his community is introducing between his or her single friends. In our daily routine and intense life, we are not always aware, in every given time, of what’s going on with our friends’ lifes, including their personal inspirations regarding relations. In many cases, friends that we know very well and that were very close to us in past periods of life, change their personal status without our awareness.

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Community Driven Dating 

By Marcelo in articles

February 1, 2019

Modern technology is becoming a major player in initiation of relationships. It offers a variety of new platforms and possibilities for dating based on mutual hobbies, habits, professions, personal, looks and many more criteria. That’s why virtual profile building becomes a critical parameter for initial attraction in online dating platforms. Initiating chances depend more and more on your presentation rather than real life parameters such as personality, values, character etc.

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What to Look For in a Partner? 

By Ronen Rabinovici in articles

January 10, 2019

When looking for a life partner, for me, the most importantg criteria are simple. It’s really not about looks or money… Of course attraction plays a role, but shared life is much more complex than that. This is why, a long lasting relationship has to be first based on strong foundations. Foundations that are intrinsic in both partners, and not such that change over time and circumstances. So - what is it about?

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